Writing features

Glacio is compatible with the Gherkin syntax and adds the capability to nest steps.
All Gherkin language elements are available (DocString, Tables, Examples, etc.)

You can nest as many steps as you need to best describe a feature.
Only the leaf steps will be linked to executable glue-code.

For example, this feature

Feature: User login

    Scenario: Successful login

        Given a user with valid credentials
            Insert generated user with valid credentials in database
                Generate variable 'username' (1)
                Generate variable 'password'
                Execute SQL (2)
                    VALUES('${username}', '${password}', 1)
        And the user in on the login page
            Open a 'Chrome' browser (3)

Will look for these methods

@Given("Generate variable '(.+)'") (1)
public void generate_variable(String variableName) {
    // context.put(variableName, UUID.randomUUID().toString());

@Given("Execute SQL") (2)
public void execute_sql(String statement) {
    // db.excute(statement);

@Given("Open a '(.+)' browser") (3)
public void open_a_browser(BrowserType browserType) {
    // this.driver = browserType.newDriver();